Fee Schedule

(Last Revised April 2022)

Fees are non-refundable unless otherwise stated or waived by MORR Interpreting, LLC. Submit an online request form for a personalized estimate.



Service Fee

In alignment with the interpreting profession's industry-standards, all bookings are billed at a two-hour minimum. Service rates may vary (e.g., daytime rate, weekend rate, emergency rate). Any unscheduled service time will be billed in 15-minute increments.


Additional Service Fees

If applicable, these will be listed on your service estimate prior to service with the exception of unforeseen or last-minute changes to the scope of your request.


  • Emergency fee (request made with less than 48-hours)

  • Parking & Tolls

  • Recording/Broadcasting fee

  • Convenience fee (applicable to select forms of payment)


Late Fee

Prompt payment is expected. Overdue invoices are subject to a late fee as outlined in our terms of service.


Cancellation/No-Show Fee

In the event you cancel services or do not show up to receive services, a fee may be assessed. See our terms of service for more information.