Know what to expect from your service providers.


What does receiving virtual services look like? Check out this video. English, CC and ASL interpretation available in video.

Learn how to best work with ASL interpreters using these 9 tips! English version and CC available. Watch ASL version here [LINK].

Client Checklists & Need to Knows

Depiction of a working CDI-HI team


Deaf Interpreters

[Certified] Deaf interpreters — [C]DIs — are interpreters who themselves are deaf/hard-of-hearing and who work between English and American Sign Language (ASL). The value of working with a CDI/DI is tremendous. Below are a few reasons why.

  • Deaf interpreters are fluent in both ASL and English and are experts on deafness and deaf culture;

  • Their interpretations reflect more native language use;

  • They can better build rapport and trust between the deaf consumer and service provider; and

  • Deaf interpreters are highly effective with unique groups (e.g., developmentally disabled, foreign deaf, deaf youth, victims, legal situations, etc.).


Independent Contractors

Agency Contacts

* DISCLAIMER: MORR Interpreting is not affiliated with any of these captioning services. MORR does not endorse these companies, the views they express, or products/services they offer.